2D Sprite Starter Pack

2D Sprite Starter Pack
Having trouble when it comes to the start of scripting for your 2D projects? Don't worry as this pack is here to help! This pack gets you started in the right direction without having to worry about scripting.
I have included a walk, duck, jump, a player-manager animation, input managers, wall jump, wall slide, pause, and setting scripts. Also included are scripts for a settings menu and a timer script that counts in minutes and seconds. I have also included some audio files for sound effects and background music and a character sprite with different animations.
This pack was made in the Universal Windows Pipeline with Unity version 2020.1.6f1. However, you can use the pack in the standard and HDRP. You may have to change the material type on the sprites for them to render correctly.
This pack was approved and published on December 30, 2020.
2D Starter Sprite Pack With Scripts | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store
This pack is now available on Gumroad.